Friday, December 7, 2018

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"The blessed soul of Mary was filled with grace,
according to her very high mission as Mother of God.
Thus the Church sings: "You are beautiful, O Mary,
and the sin of origin is not in you!"
(Blessed James Alberione, SSP)

To everyone: "Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!"

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Venerable Sister Thecla Merlo and her Thoughts

"We are in the month of December,
the last month of the year.
This thought should lead us
to prepare ourselves well
for the birth of JESUS!"

(Venerable Sister Thecla Merlo, FSP)

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Venerable Sister Thecla Merlo and her Thoughts

"Never become downhearted over troubles,
never let discouragement take over. Life is brief.
What is even a hundred years compared to eternity?"

(Venerable Sister Thecla Merlo, fsp)

Monday, September 10, 2018

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"O Mary, ignite in my heart a great desire for heaven!"
(Blessed James Alberione, ssp)

To everyone: 
"Happy Feast of the Assumption of Mary!"

Friday, June 29, 2018

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"Let us open our eyes 
to see the splendor of light that St. Paul transmits: 
he is a living and beneficent light, 
a light that is warm and life generating!" 
(Blessed James Alberione, SSP) 

To everyone:
"Happy Feast of St. Paul, the Apostles!"

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"Saint Paul tells us to give good example: 
Abstain even from the appearances of evil. 
Can we say: anyone who sees me can learn from me? 
Do I preach what is good with my life?" 
(Blessed James Alberione, SSP)

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"Those who imitate Saint Paul, 
imitate Jesus Christ! 
Those who have the heart of Saint Paul, 
have the heart of Jesus Christ! 
(Blessed James Alberione, SSP) 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"O Mary, 
may the apostolate of example and word, 
of prayer and the press, 
of films, radio and television, 
of the internet, 
may win over the hearts of many generous persons...!" 

(Blessed James Alberione, ssp)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"We must ask for the grace of conversion every day. 
Let us ask St. Paul for the necessary dispositions 
that will help us change and improve ourselves!" 
- Blessed James Alberione, ssp

Friday, February 2, 2018

Sunday, January 21, 2018