The feast of the conversion of Saul the Pharisee to St. Paul the Apostle, which we celebrate every January 25, is a striking one. I think you will agree with me when I say that most of us secretly long for Paul’s experience to happen in our lives, too.
Majority of us experience conversion in the ordinariness of daily
life. While we might occasionally fall to the ground blinded by the light as
St. Paul did, we eventually have to get up and be busy doing God's work in the
task entrusted to us by Him. That's the real proof of our continual conversion
-- not the drama of it all but being faithful to carrying out His will for us
in the present moment in which we live.
We know with St. Paul that "Indeed, the grace of our Lord has been
abundant, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus" (1 Tim
1:13-14). We are sinners in need of constant conversion, no question about it
-- but we know the one in whom we put our trust (2 Tim 1:12), and He is our
hope and our joy.