Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Virgin Mother: Model of Purity Supreme

On August 15, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Here, we wish to share with you an excerpt of this reflection about the Mother of Jesus whom we would like to imitate as our model of purity supreme.

Those who desire to receive the crown of purity from our Lord should not hesitate to fly to the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, whose tender love and concerned intercessory help is never withheld from her children. It is our Virgin Mother who will take us into her worthy hands, guide us toward her Son, and lower the glorious crown upon our heads.

If we should state that the Virgin Mary is the greatest Christian who ever lived, we would be correct; yet such a statement does little to relate the indescribable beauty of her dedication to her Son, her eagerness to suffer for the will of God, her complete trust, and her total purity of heart which far surpasses our present understanding. There is simply no better model of human purity than our sweet Virgin Mother, who exists as Queen of Heaven, raised in heavenly glory above all the angels and saints.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux writes of the Virgin Mother, "Let us honor Mary for the purity of her body, the holiness of her life.”

Jesus is Mary's only son, but her spiritual motherhood extends to all men whom indeed he came to save: The Son whom she brought forth is he whom God placed as the first-born among many brethren, that is, the faithful in whose generation and formation she cooperates with a mother's love.

Indeed, we truly have a Mother whose love is unwaveringly pure, and who unceasingly cares for all of us in our every time of need. Let us place our trust in her powerful intercession believing that she will grant us the specific graces we need especially in our families and in our society today!

(Source: Catholic online)