Monday, May 30, 2016

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

“Perfect devotion to MARY consists 
in thinking like her, 
desiring what she desires, 
willing what she wills, 
working with her, 
having her intentions. 
In a word, to be entirely in MARY 
to be more perfectly in JESUS!” 
(Blessed James Alberione, ssp) 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Venerable Sister Thecla Merlo and her Thoughts

"I entrust myself to you, Mary: my entire being with all my senses. 
I place everything in your hands. 
Do what you want with them, Mary. 
I know that I am in good hands and that is enough for me. 
Mary, I entrust myself in you. 
Mary, I confide in you!" 
(Venerable Sister Thecla Merlo, fsp)

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

“Devotion to Mary is a most effective means 
for acquiring a delicate conscience, 
sensitivity to its voice, 
remorse for sin 
and the joy for having done well. 
Of course, a devotion that is enlightened, 
tender, practical and prayerful!” 
(Blessed James Alberione, ssp)