Saturday, November 22, 2014

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"Let our hearts be an altar, a fireplace of holy aspirations, 
holy desires, ardent and all-embracing sighs: 
Let our hearts be big: 
let them embrace all peoples and all needs!" 
(Blessed James Alberione, ssp)

To everyone, "Happy Feast of Christ, the King!"

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"On my lips must always resound 
a fervent and heartfelt thanks be to God! 
Gratitude is a sign of a healthy heart, 
a means to obtain other benefits!" 
(Blessed James Alberione, ssp)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"From our way of speaking and doing, 
one who sees and hears us must be able to say: 
look at another Christ!" 
(Blessed James Alberione, ssp)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"Every single person on earth has a job to do. 
Each one must courageously and faithfully follow one’s path, 
fulfilling the mission assigned by God. 
At the end, everyone must be able to say: 
'"I have finished the course!'” 
(Blessed James Alberione) 

To everyone, may you have a joyful and holy journey 
during this month of November!