Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"Saint Michael, the Archangel, 
together with your followers, 
defend us in the battle; 
be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. 
May the Lord subdue him!" 
- Blessed James Alberione, ssp

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"Let our joy not be like that of the world, 
and neither our sorrows. 
Let our little consolations remind us of eternal joy, 
and let our little pains be offered 
in order to merit and acquire heaven!" 
- Blessed James Alberione, ssp

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"By means of the CROSS, 
souls receive the life of grace, 
the Church receives power, 
and every blessing descends on men and women!" 
(Blessed James Alberione, ssp)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Blessed James Alberione and his Thoughts

"Mary's FIAT was the most perfect 
in conformity with the divine will 
and inspired by great love and prudence!"
(Blessed James Alberione, ssp)

Monday, September 1, 2014